
Welcome to Moondog Treasures: yoga jewelry for women and men, mala bracelets, Sanskrit mantra necklaces, and wire-wrapped beaded crosses. I'm a yoga teacher, and these are my creations. On this blog you can read the story behind the jewelry. You'll also get to meet other talented Etsy artists whose work I admire. Contact me at moondogtreasures@live.com.

Saturday, January 3, 2009

Etsy Artist of the Week

Giftbearer is my artist of the week. I love the tribal influences in her work. This leather bracelet of hers caught my eye.
A message from the artist:
"I approach each piece as a living being with a soul. If I can convey this essence to the viewer and have it speak to them on a deeper level then I have done what I've set out to do. I want my work to be more than merely an accessory, but something treasured with special meaning to the buyer, not necessarily in words, but in the same way you know it when it's true love."


Yoga Bridge said...

Congrats on the feature! I love your work and the meaning behind it.

Giftbearer said...

Thanks so much! I have some interesting new pieces to come, so keep an eye on my shop.